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Delete a domain

Learn how to delete a domain.

Updated over 4 months ago

You can delete a domain if you no longer want to use it. In this article, we’ll show you how to do it.

Before you start

Here are a few things to know before you start:

  • You can add, edit, or delete domains. Each action can affect your Cookie Information setup and billing. Public test and internal test domains are free of charge.

  • You can’t delete the last domain in your only consent solution.

Delete a domain

To delete a domain, follow these steps:

1. Go to Consent solutions.

2. Find the consent solution where you want to delete the domain.

3. Go to the domain you want to delete.

4. Click the trash icon.

Delete a domain in Cookie Information

Note: You can’t delete the last domain in your only consent solution.

5. Confirm you want to delete this domain.

6. Done.

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