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Cookie Information WordPress Plugin. Consent pop-up and cookie policy manual implementation guide for WordPress.

Updated over a week ago

How to find the plugin and install it

  1. Log in to your WordPress Dashboard.

  2. Navigate to the 'Plugins' section on the left-hand menu.

  3. Click on 'Add New'.

  4. In the search bar, type “Cookie Information” or use the following link.

  5. Once the plugin appears in the search results, you will see it with an 'Install Now' button.

  6. Click the 'Install Now' button on the plugin. This will download and install the plugin on your WordPress site.

  7. After the installation is complete, an 'Activate' button will appear instead of the 'Install Now' button.

How to activate the plugin

There are two ways of activating the plugin; you can either:

  1. Click the 'Activate' button to enable the plugin on your WordPress site.

  2. Alternatively, you can go to the 'Installed Plugins' page from your Dashboard, find the "Cookie Information - Consent Solution" plugin in the list, and click 'Activate' there as well.


How to configure the plugin

  1. Once the plugin is activated, navigate to the plugin's settings. This can normally be found in the left-hand menu of your Dashboard.

  2. The plugin will automatically detect the language of your site, but it only works with one language by default. If you need more than one language, please see the section on the WordPress Multilanguage Plugin (WPML below). You will need to use both of them.

  3. The plugin will automatically find and block YouTube. Still, the rest has to be blocked using the cookie control SDK as per usual.

  4. Only enable TCF if you are also utilizing the TCF template in the pop-up section of the consent solution. If you are not using the TCF template, this will render the pop-up useless.

  5. In the settings, locate the option 'Enable Google Consent Mode v2' and check the box to enable it. To enable the Consent mode v2, you will need to adjust or change your template. Follow the last step here.

  6. Below this option, you will find a field for 'GCM Code Snippet'. By default, there may be a pre-filled code in this field.

  7. Review or edit the 'GCM Code Snippet' as per your requirements.

WordPress plugin and Consent mode v2

If you would like to use the Consent mode v2, there is one additional step of choosing the right template or adding the Google Privacy Policy link. You can choose one of these two options.

Changing the template

The new templates are very similar to our Overlay v2/Overlay v3 templates and have Google's privacy policy in the main text.

To do so, you should navigate to your chosen consent solution -> "Pop Up Appearance" tab found on the left-hand side and then click on the dropdown menu under "Change Template".

You can choose between "Overlay v2 - Google Consent Mode v2" and "Overlay v3 - Google Consent Mode v2".

The default version of Overlay v2 looks like this without any customisation or styling:

The default version of Overlay v3 looks like this without any customization or styling:

View our template showcase to see all of our template designs.

Important! Please be aware that changing your template will reset any customisations you have made beforehead, including any text or styling changes. Please see our style guide to find out how to customise your template.

Adding the Google privacy policy link

If your pop-up banner is heavily customized, alternatively, you can add the following HTML link to the main text in the HTML section under the advanced settings.

<a class="coi-banner__google-privacy-policy" aria-label="{{{translations.google_privacy_policy_link}}}" href="" target="_blank">{{{translations.google_privacy_policy_link}}}</a>

Updating the plugin

Regular updates are crucial for maintaining the security and functionality of your WordPress plugins. Follow these steps to update the "Cookie Information - Consent Solution" plugin when a new version is available.

  1. Checking for Updates:

    1. Navigate to the 'Installed Plugins' page in your WordPress Dashboard.

    2. If there's an update available for the "Cookie Information - Consent Solution" plugin, you will see a notification along with the plugin's entry on this page.


  2. Reviewing the Changelog:

    1. Before updating, it's a good practice to check what changes the update will bring. This can help you understand new features or fixes included in the update.

    2. Visit the plugin's page on Blog Tool, Publishing Platform, and CMS - or the plugin's website, where you can typically find the changelog.

    3. Review the changelog to understand what's new or what has been fixed in the update.

  3. Updating the Plugin:

    1. Back in the 'Installed Plugins' section on your WordPress Dashboard, click the 'update now' link associated with the "Cookie Information - Consent Solution" plugin.

    2. WordPress will automatically download and install the update. During this process, the plugin might be temporarily deactivated and then reactivated.

  4. Verifying the Update:

    1. After the update is complete, you'll receive a confirmation message.

    2. Verify that the plugin is active and check the version number to ensure the update was successful.

    3. It's recommended to quickly browse your website to ensure everything is working correctly with the updated plugin.

Remember, keeping your plugins up to date is vital for the security and functionality of your WordPress site. Regularly check for updates and review changelogs to stay informed about the changes and improvements made in each new version.

A multi-language site using WPML

If you are using the plugin: WPML to change the language on your website, you will also need to be using our own WordPress plugin. You should follow the WPML documentation to set up the plugin, ensuring that you have specified all the languages you would like to use in both our platform and the plugin. After you have configured your pages to use the different languages, our popup will automatically update based on the language of the website.

Cookie policy implementation

To show the cookie policy, you have to create a new page or navigate to an existing page where you want the privacy widgets to be displayed. Insert our cookie policy or privacy control script in the content (see below).

The cookie policy script:

<div><script type="text/javascript" id="CookiePolicy" src="" data-culture="EN"></script></div>

The privacy controls script:

<div><div id="cicc-template"></div></div>

For the cookie policy and the privacy controls widget to work properly in WordPress, you must insert them into an extra <div>, as shown above.

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