Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to create an app in Azure. By creating your own app in Azure to connect to Data Discovery by Cookie Information you are able to modify the permissions of the platoform at anytime. Let's get started!
1. Go to Azure app registrations and login with a Global Admin user
2. Click New registration
3. Provide a name for the application (3a) and chose Accounts in this organizational directory only (3b). Click Register to create the application (3c)
4. Click API permission (4a), Add a permission (4b) and lastly Microsoft Graph (4c)
5. Click Application permission
6. Find and mark the one or more of the below permissions (6a) and click Add permission (6b).
Mail.Read: Allow only mapping of emails in Exchange and In-place Archive
Mail.ReadWrite: Allow mapping and deletion of emails in Exchange and In-place Archive
Files.Read.All: Allow only mapping of files in OneDrive
Files.ReadWrite.All: Allow mapping and deletion of files in OneDrive
Sites.Read.All: Allow only mapping of files in SharePoint sites
Sites.ReadWrite.All: Allow mapping and deletion of files in SharePoint sites
User.Read.All: Allow reading of user profiles. Necessary when importing users from AD.
7. Click Grant admin consent (7a). Status will change to Granted (7b)
8. Click Certificates & secrets (8a), Client secrets (8b) and New client secret (8c). Then provide a short description (8d) and click Add (8e)
9. Save the Client secret value from the Value. It will be used when creating the connection in Data discovery by Cookie Information.
10. Click Overview (10a) and save the Application (client) ID (10b). It will also be used when creating the connection in Data discovery by Cookie Information.