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Do we need to sign a data processing agreement with Cookie Information?
Do we need to sign a data processing agreement with Cookie Information?

Find out why you do not need to sign a data processing agreement(DPA) with Cookie Information here:

Updated over a week ago

Cookie Information has made extensive efforts not to process any Personal Data on behalf of our clients.

None of the "Service Data" is considered Personal Data as defined in the GDPR. Therefore, processing the Service Data does not fall under the GDPR or any other legislation relating to the processing of personal data. Consequently, Cookie Information does not act as a data processor when providing the Services.

Data flow

When a user submits their user preference, and the consent pop-up closes, a 1. party cookie with the name 'CookieInformationConsent' gets placed in the user's browser. The 'CookieInformationConsent' cookie contains all data collected by the system. The table at the end of this document shows the data stored in the 'CookieInformationConsent' cookie, which gets saved to Cookie Information's database.

The data is collected and used for two purposes:

1) Consent Documentation

2) Respecting User Consent

Consent Documentation

Website operators are obliged to prove and document compliance with GDPR. For this purpose, the system will allow the website operator to verify compliance by creating a technical audit trail of user consent.

In any situation where a website operator is required to provide documentation of the user's consent, the website operator should start by retrieving the Consent ID from the user. If a website visitor asks to see their consent, please ask them to have their user_uid handy. From this, we can then find their consent in our records.

Once you have the user's ID, then you will need to send it to our support. Reach out through the chat or at

This is an example of a Consent ID: '99535183-294f-4305-919d-d16e13610b51'

With this Consent ID, the system can provide the website operator with the ability to fulfil the GDPR requirement of documenting consent.

Only when a user provides the website operator with the consent id, the website operator can match the user with a consent id in the system.

Respecting User Consent

Website operators are obliged to respect the users' consent preferences submitted via the consent pop-up provided by Cookie Information.

To provide website operators with this ability, Cookie Information allows the website operator to read and use the consent preferences from the 'CookieInformationConsent' cookie.

Cookie Information allows the website to read the accepted data processing purposes from the cookie and lets the website fire/load tracking on the user following the user preference.

The process of respecting user consent only needs the two data fields, 'Consents Denied' and 'Consent Approved,' to function correctly.


Data stored by Cookie Information

Data type


Example data

Used by the system to


Date and time of consent

March 7th, 2020, 10:35:20.278

Consent Documentation

Consent Solution

The consent solution from which the consent was sent

Consent Documentation

Consent Domain

The domain from which the consent was sent

Consent Documentation

Consent URL

The URL from which the consent was sent

Consent Documentation

Consents Approved

The end user's consent state, which serves as proof of consent

cookie_cat_necessary, cookie_cat_functional, cookie_cat_statistic, cookie_cat_unclassified

Consent Documentation + Respecting User Consent

Consents Denied

The end user's consent state, which serves as proof of consent


Consent Documentation + Respecting User Consent

Consent Solution id

Id of the consent solution


Consent Documentation

User Agent

User Agent of the End User's Browser

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1

Consent Documentation

Consent ID

A technically necessary anonymous, random value to separate and document the consent


Consent Documentation

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