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All CollectionsHow does Cookie Information work?
All you need to know about consents
All you need to know about consents

What is consent, how to store it, retrieve it and other

Updated over a week ago

What is consent?

Consent is a piece of data generated after website visitors interact with a cookie pop-up by either declining or accepting all or some cookie categories.

For how long is the consent valid?

It depends on what choice a visitor made while interacting with the pop-up.

  • If a visitor accepts all cookies, then their consent will be valid for 12 months.

  • If a visitor declines one or more cookie categories, their consent will be valid for two weeks (14 days).

In both cases, after this period, a visitor will see the consent pop-up again.

How to set a custom expiration time of your consent solution

You have the opportunity to overwrite those values but editing in the head section of your website. You need to add the below window.cookieInformationCustomConfig script before the consent pop-up snippet

<script type="text/javascript"> 
window.cookieInformationCustomConfig = {
acceptFrequency: 100,
declineFrequency: 20

acceptFrequency defines the expiration time value (in days) for users consenting to all purposes.

declineFrequency defines the expiration time value (in days) for user declining one or more purposes

How do Cookie Information store consents?

As a website owner, you will, following GDPR, act as a data controller and have to document that you have collected valid consent from your website visitor. The storage of valid consent is relevant if a visitor contacts you or the data protection authorities are auditing you.

Cookie Information does this for you by storing users' consent for five years.

Does Cookie Information collect any personal data?

No. The consent log provided by Cookie Infomation doesn't contain any personal data.

We rely on a unique user ID saved in the user's browser to document the consent data related to that user ID.

In the table below, you will find all the information collected.

Data type


Example data


Date and time of consent

March 7th 2020, 10:35:20.278

Consent Solution

The consent solution from which the consent was sent

Consent Domain

The domain from which the consent was sent

Consent URL

The URL from which the consent was sent

Consents Approved

The end user's consent state, which serves as proof of consent

cookie_cat_necessary, cookie_cat_functional, cookie_cat_statistic, cookie_cat_unclassified

Consents Denied

The end user's consent state, which serves as proof of consent


Consent Solution id

Id of the consent solution


User Agent

User-Agent of the End User's Browser

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_3_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.5 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1

Consent ID

A technically necessary anonymous, random value to separate and document the consent


What if a user requests their consent data?

In case a user requests their consent data, there are a few steps to be taken by you as a website owner and the user.

When the user gives consent in the pop-up from Cookie Information, Cookie Information sets a cookie in the user's browser, named: CookieInformationConsent.

When a user request insight into their consent, you, as the website owner, have to ask the user to identify themselves. Ask the user to provide the user_id from the CookieInformationConsent cookie.

Once you have the user's ID, you will need to send it to our support at

We will then retrieve all data related to that ID and forward this data back to you in a formatted Excel sheet.

It can take up to 8 days to retrieve the users' consent.

How does the end-user retrieve the ID?

To get the user_uid in Chrome, the user will need to open up the developer console in the browser (F12 on Windows or CMD + OPT + J on Mac).

In the Application tab, locate the menu cookies and COPY the value of the cookie: CookieInformationConsent.

Providing the ID via the website

Using simple javascript, we can easily display the user's ID by reading the consent cookie in the browser.

In cases where the user hasn't yet given consent, then we display another message.

<button onclick="getCookieInformationID(this)">Get your Cookie ID</button><script> function getCookieInformationID(element){ function insertAfter(referenceNode, newNode) { referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling); } var button = element; var placeholder = document.createElement("div"); = 'ci_user_id'; var cookieString = CookieInformation._getCookieValue('CookieInformationConsent'); var cookieData = JSON.parse(cookieString); if(cookieData !== ''){ var parsedData = '<span>UserID = </span>'+cookieData.user_uid; placeholder.innerHTML = parsedData; }else{ placeholder.innerHTML = "<span>No User Data</span>"; } insertAfter(button, placeholder);}</script>

The code above consists of a button that, when clicked, displays the ID.

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