A domain is the unique name or address of a website on the internet, like example.com. It's what users type into their browser's address bar to visit a website.
In this article, we’ll show you how to add and edit a domain.
Before you start
Here are a few things to know before you start:
You can add, edit, or delete domains. Each action can affect your Cookie Information setup and billing. Public test and internal test domains are free of charge.
You can choose between public, public test, and internal test domain types. The type you select determines how the system will scan it, display it on the popup and if consent will be collected.
You can’t change the type of the existing domain.
Public domain | Scanned | Displayed on popup | Consent collected |
Public test domain | Not scanned | Displayed on popup | Consent collected |
Internal test domain | Not scanned | Not displayed on the popup | No consent collected |
Add a domain
To add and edit a domain, follow these steps:
1. Go to Consent solutions.
2. Find the consent solution where you want to add the domain.
3. In Domains, click Add domain.
4. In Domain information, enter the website URL where you want the cookie banner displayed.
In the Domain URL, you have to enter a root domain without HTTP:// or www, for example, test.cookieinformation.com.
To change the domain URL, remove the domain first, then add it again.
5. Choose the domain type.
Once you set the domain type you can’t change it later.
To change the domain URL or type, remove the domain first, then add it again.
6. In the Scanner settings, set up the scanning frequency. (Available only for public domains.)
The scanning frequency determines whether we will scan your site for cookies on a daily or weekly basis.
The scanning depth and frequency can affect your Cookie Information setup and billing. For more information, see our pricing.
7. In the Scanner settings, set up the scanning depth. (Available only for public domains.)
The scanning depth reflects how many pages will be scanned and should be determined by the size of your website. You can choose from up to 500, 5,000, or over 5,000 URLs. If you're unsure how many URLs your site has, try a Google search using site:yourdomain.com to see the results.
The scanning depth and frequency can affect your Cookie Information setup and billing. For more information, see our pricing.
8. Select a default language from those you’ve set in your settings.
9. Click Save.
10. Done.
Edit a domain
To edit a domain, follow these steps:
1. Go to Consent solutions.
2. Find the consent solution where you want to edit the domain.
3. Go to the domain you want to edit and click the pencil icon.
Note: You can’t change the type of the existing domain.
4. In the Scanner settings, set up the scanning frequency. (Available only for public domains.)
Note: The scanning frequency determines whether we will scan your site for cookies on a daily or weekly basis.
5. In the Scanner settings, set up the scanning depth. (Available only for public domains.)
Note: The scanning depth reflects how many pages will be scanned and should be determined by the size of your website. You can choose from up to 500, 5,000, or over 5,000 URLs. If you're unsure how many URLs your site has, try a Google search using site:yourdomain.com to see the results.
6. Select a default language from those you’ve set in your settings.
7. Click Save.
8. Done.