10 articles
Platform FAQFrequently asked questions about the platform, consent solutions and cookie settings.
Technical FAQFrequently asked questions about the technical aspects of our product.
Data FAQFrequently asked questions all about data, analytics and page speed.
How to handle auditsHere you can find all the information you may need if you have received an audit regarding your compliance.
How long is consent valid?Learn how long consent is valid.
What to do when a user requests their consent data?Learn what to do when a user requests their consent data.
What data does Cookie Information collect?Learn what data Cookie Information collects.
Does Cookie Information work on login-protected sites?Learn how Cookie Information works on login-protected sites.
Will the consent banner impact my SEO?Learn how your consent banner can impact your SEO.
Can I use localhost to test Cookie Information solution?Learn if you can use localhost to test Cookie Information solution.