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Create custom cookies

In this article, we’ll explain how to create custom cookies.

Updated over a week ago

If our scanner didn’t pick up a cookie due to scanner limitations, you need to create a custom cookie. This way you ensure that a particular cookie with its details will be visible in the cookie consent popup.

In this article, we’ll explain how to create custom cookies.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process:

  • When you create a custom cookie and it doesn't have a cookie definition yet, it goes into the unclassified category.

  • To reach compliance according to GDPR, we recommend you to set a category for all your cookies and make this a routine part of your website maintenance.

  • A custom cookie will work only for the domains set up for the specific consent solution.

  • In some cases, cookies might have a string of random characters as an ID, e.g.

Session_ID_asd123, where the string varies from user to user.

To create a better user experience and view in the popup banner, the commonly used cookies with such IDs are grouped under one ID, e.g. Session_ID_XXX.

This will prevent the popup banner from being populated with each user's unique ID. If this is missing in your setup, please contact us at and share the following details:

  1. Cookie name

  2. Cookie purpose

  3. Data processor

  4. Data processor’s privacy policy

  5. Cookie category

Our implementation team will ensure the cookie will have the right category.

Add a custom cookie

To add a custom cookie, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Cookie Information.

  2. Go to Consent solutions.

  3. Find the consent solution you want to add a custom cookie for.

  4. Navigate to Cookie management. This will take you to the platform’s old UI.

  5. ​​In Cookie Settings, click + Add custom cookie.

    Add a custom cookie in Cookie Information

In Add custom scan cookie, fill out the following fields:

  • Cookie name: The name of the cookie that will show on the website.

  • Cookie domain: The domain on which you can see the cookies

  • Cookie persistence: The cookie lifetime, where you have three options:

  1. Expiring. If selected, you’ll need to choose the expiry period from the list.

  2. Session

  3. Permanent

Note: If the cookie expiry value you want to choose is not listed, please contact us at

Set up a custom cookie in Cookie Information

​Click Create.

8. Now, you need to set a category for that cookie because it is not automatically categorized.

9. In Cookie Settings, click + Add cookie definition.

10. In Add custom cookie definition, fill out the following fields:

  • Choose cookie: The dropdown list contains all cookies across all domains within this consent solution – the ones found by the scanner and custom cookies. You can type in the cookie name to find it on the list.

  • Add cookie category: Choose one from the dropdown list.

  • Choose a data processor: Type in the name or choose the processor from the list.

    add custom cookie definition in Cookie Information

Note: For first-party cookies, this is typically your website. For third-party cookies, it is usually a vendor providing services that set this cookie.

10. Click Save.

11. (Optional) If you can't find the data processor in Choose data processor, you need to create one manually.

12. In Choose data processor, type “New” and choose "New Data processor".

Add a new data processor in Cookie Information

13. Click Save.

14. Refresh the page for the cookie definition to appear in the list.

15. Find your cookie definition and click on the three-dot icon next to the cookie category.

Edit cookie definition in Cookie Information

16. Click Edit.

17. You need to fill out the following fields:

  • Data processor: The name of the data processing company or their domain.

  • Data processor privacy policy: The link to processor policy.

Edit a data processor in Cookie Information

18. Click Save & publish.

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