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Data FAQ

Frequently asked questions all about data, analytics and page speed.

Updated over 10 months ago

What is the average consent rate?

The average consent rate of the 25.000+ websites in our portfolio is 71,5%.

Why does Google Analytics (GA) show less data?

In some cases, we have experienced that the GA numbers have decreased. This data shortage can be because GA is enabled after the users have given consent. It means that other scanners and web crawlers cannot trigger GA on your website since they can not consent to the pop-up.

Where do I see how many have accepted or declined cookies?

You can find this information in the advanced Compliance Dashboard.

Does page speed change after implementation?

Our solution is loaded from a CDN endpoint on the Microsoft Azure network, explaining why the page speed varies.

Of course, we are always looking into ways of improving our solution and optimizing the scripts.

What do I do if a user requests their consent data?

If a website visitor asks to see their consent, please ask them to have their user_uid handy. From this, we can then find their consent in our records.

Once you have the user's ID, then you will need to send it to our support. Reach out through the chat or at

Can I see how many visitors didn't take any action on the pop-up?

It is impossible to see how many visitors did not take any action on the pop-up before browsing away from the site.

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