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Technical FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the technical aspects of our product.

Updated over a week ago

What browsers does Cookie Information support?

Cookie Information supports all browsers.

What is the best-performing pop-up?

Overlay v2 has the highest conversion ratings - the template is also WCAG 2.1 compliant.

How do I test before I go live?

You can add an unlimited amount of internal or external test domains to your solution free of charge. Here you can see how you test your implementation.

Can I use localhost to test the solution?

No. For our solution to work, it requires a unique hostname or IP address. It uses the hostname or IP to differentiate between each solution.

Google same site attribute

The console in Google Chrome will display a same-site attribute warning concerning Cookie Information.

This warning is not an error or a problem. This warning is just a notification from Google asking developers to adopt a new standard.

Furthermore, it will only affect third-party cookies. Our CookieInformationConsent is set on the same domain as a first-party cookie. This cookie is not used for cross-site requests, and therefore, this message is irrelevant.

In the case of shared consent, we use a third-party cookie, including this attribute of samesite= "none".

How do I change the Google Analytics cookie to expire after one year?


If you have an old Google Analytics script on your website, then you can specify an overwrite of the default value of two years on the script. The value specifies the cookie expiration in seconds.

ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', {'cookieExpires': 31536000});


<script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', {'cookieExpires': 31536000,'cookieUpdate': 'false'}); ga('send', 'pageview');</script>

You may also need to turn off the automatic update of the expiration date, so if a user returns to the site, then the expiration is not again set to a year.

ga('create', 'UA-XXXX-Y', {'cookieUpdate': 'false'});

How to change Google Analytics cookie expiration in Google Tag Manager

· Go to your global Google Analytics Page View Tag.

· Check the box: Enable overriding settings in this tag

· Roll out more settings

· Roll out Fields to Set

· Press: Add Field and field our the two fields as shown below.

Using the new gtag js

gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID', { 'cookie_expires': 31536000});

Webflow is blocking onClick Events?

In some cases, you can experience that Webflow's templates are set up to block onClick events preventing the pop-up from closing when clicking the buttons.


function replaceOnClick() {  $('*').each(function() {  $(this).attr('onclick', $(this).attr('onclick'));});}$(window).bind("load", function () {  replaceOnClick();});

Can the pop-up be in different languages on the same domain?

The pop-up script can only have one data-culture/language code at a time, but with the WordPress multilingual plugin, it's possible to have multiple languages on one domain. This solution only works for WordPress websites; you can read the WordPress Implementation guide.

Alternatively, you can write a script/function that checks the language code in the URL and changes the data culture depending on the language code.

An example of that could be like so:

<!--<script type="text/javascript">
// Get the current URL
const currentUrl = window.location.href;
let languageCode = ""; // Check if the URL contains language codes
if (currentUrl.includes("/da")) {
languageCode = "DA";
} else if (currentUrl.includes("/no")) {
languageCode = "NO";
} else if (currentUrl.includes("/sv")) {
languageCode = "SV";
} else if (currentUrl.includes("/fi")) {
languageCode = "FI";
} else {
languageCode = "EN"; // Default to English
} // Set data-culture attribute based on the language code
document.getElementById("CookieConsent").setAttribute("data-culture", languageCode);

If you would like to use the above function, you should change it to suit your needs fx. changing the language codes to the ones that you use on your own domain.

GeoIP lookup is also an option to determine the user's local language and have some script/function that changes the data culture accordingly.

How do I remove the Heading tags?

Our default templates have some Heading tags in the pop-up and policy text, which you can freely edit under the Pop-up tab and Policy tab in the platform.

Start by going to the consent solution that contains the pop-up you wish to edit. From there, click on the Pop-up tab.

There are also some H-tags in the HTML section, which you can navigate by going to - the Advanced Settings - HTML field (the first of the three boxes).

To view the policy text, click on the Policy tab.

There are some H-tags in the HTML section of the policy tab as well, which can be adjusted the same way as mentioned above.

I want to discontinue Google Analytics/Tag Manager and use a different Tag Manager. Do I need to make any changes to the script or platform?

If you decide to move away from Google Analytics/Tag Manager, you don't need to make any changes besides removing Google-related elements and applying the new Tag Manager script to the website. No changes need to be made to the consent pop-up script or in the platform.

Does Cookie Information work on password-protected sites?

Our scanner will scan the login page, but it can't log in, so it won't scan anything else than the first page. A workaround is to add the cookies manually to the pop-up banner. To do so, you can find all about how to manage cookies here.

Will the cookie pop-up impact my SEO?

No. The consent pop-up is disabled for web crawlers. When Google crawls a website that has our pop-up, the pop-up will not be enabled for the crawler. They will have full access to the site as if a user has accepted all cookies, meaning that no parts of the site should be blocked.

We also regularly ensure that our script is optimized to industry standards, to ensure that we do not contribute to page speed more than necessary.

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