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Customization and advanced settings
All you need to tackle customized popups and advanced blocking
24 articles
Resize the consent widgetLearn how to resize the consent widget.
Change the icon of the consent widgetLearn how to change the icon of the consent widget.
Turn off the consent widgetLearn how to turn off the consent widget.
Remove the heading (H) tagsLearn how to remove the heading (H) tags from your consent popup template and privacy policy.
Set up and adjust privacy controlsLearn how to set up and adjust privacy controls.
Set up and adjust a cookie policyLearn how to set up and adjust a cookie policy.
Change colors in the consent popupLearn how to change colors in the consent popup.
Edit a logo in the consent popupLearn how to add, edit, reposition, or remove a logo in the consent popup.
Can I display the popup in different languages on the same domain?Learn how to display the popup in different languages on the same domain.
How to expand the mobile view of Overlay templates
Making your own pop-up templateThis article will walkthrough the most important information for you to create a pop-up template
How to use the IAB Consent & Transparency Framework (IAB TCF 2.2)Learn how to use the latest version of the the IAB Consent & Transparency Framework.
CSP ImplementationHow to use our CMP product whilst using a content security policy
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) criteriaThis article what is WCAG, how it relates to the consent pop-up and why is it important.
Setting up the Global Privacy Platform framework with support for Global Privacy Control
Global Privacy Control setup validation
Change the size of the consent popupLearn how to change the size of the consent popup.
Change the font size and family of the consent popupLearn how to change the font size and family of the consent popup.
How to integrate Cookie Information with Piwik PROHow to connect Cookie Information with Piwik PRO.
Integrate Cookie Information Consent Management Platform with Google Tag ManagerLearn how to integrate Cookie Information Consent Management Platform with Google Tag Manager (GTM).
Matomo Tag ManagerCookie Control SDK implementation in Matomo Tag Manager
Provide placeholder for blocked page elements (YouTube, Vimeo etc)This article lets you know how to give placeholders to blocked page elements (e.g. YouTube, Vimeo)
Pixels, iFrame and serverside PHPCookie control SDK implementation for Pixel tags, iFrames and serverside PHP